
Android build variants
Android build variants

My understanding is that these macros should be defined as g++ compiler options in the build variant blocks like the following code:Ĭmake <<= Error !!!!!: could not find method cmake () for.

android build variants

When you create a new module, Android Studio automatically creates the debug and release build types. In general, I would guess the Gradle job somehow fails internally and Android Studio reverts the selection, but the output I am getting is not at all verbose.I need to define some custom macros such as " DEBUG", " RELEASE", " DEMO_VER" and " FULL_VER" in Android Studio adle file so that my C/C++ code can detect them like: You can create and configure build types inside the android block of the module-level adle file, for Groovy, or the file, for Kotlin script. I have to mention that I'm new to both Android and Gradle. idea folder, doesn't help, the problem occurs on a freshly opened project). Any ideas what's wrong / can someone corroborate? I btw think I tried everything suggested for "can't switch build variants" (invalidate the cache, restart, delete. From within the respective directories, I can run "build.bat" just fine and I can also switch to Release without problem on my own, custom-made projects.

android build variants

Bringing up the window for Build Variants, I can try to select the Release build variant, but after the task with output "> Configure project :VrSamples:VrCubeWorld_SurfaceView:Projects:Android", it immediately switches back to debug. Build variants represent a combination of different settings and can be a different version of your app. Out of the box, I can open, build and run the samples in the Mobile SDK in Android Studio, but only ever in Debug mode. So, Android Studio provides a feature of Build Variants which can be thought of as a cartesian product of all your build types and all your product flavors.

Android build variants